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8 Amazing Trees With Edible Leaves
Nature provides us with many options for salads and greens, some even come from above. Which trees have leaves you can eat? let’s take a look at some awesome trees with edible leaves!
What Are The Functions Of Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is one of the most talked about of all vitamins and food supplements these days. But what does Vitamin D do? In this article, we will discuss four of the key functions of Vitamin D in the body.
Nutritional Value Of Moringa Oleifera Leaves
Moringa oleifera is a fast growing tree that provides us with nutritious edible leaves that can be eaten cooked or raw. In this article, we will explore the amazing nutritional content of Moringa leaves, and discover how much protein, vitamins, and amino acids they provide.
The Best Foods To Eat Before Running a Marathon
The preparation for a marathon relies on a good nutritional program. What are the best foods to eat before a marathon, and when should you eat them?
3 Common SIBO Risk Factors And How To Avoid Them
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a form of gut dysbiosis that has been increasingly common in the Western world in the past couple of decades. What could be the cause of such a meteoric rise? this article, we will look at three of the most common factors that contribute...
5 Health Benefits That Make Strawberries A Superfood
Research has shown that regular intake of strawberries can provide a number of benefits to our health, and prevent a wide range of illnesses. Why are strawberries a superfood? Let’s find out!
What Is The Best Source of Omega 3? A Guide To Omega 3 Sources
There are many forms of Omega 3 available, but what is the best way to get your daily Omega 3 intake? What is the best Omega 3 supplement? Here, we will analyse many of the most common Omega 3 forms and compare them.
Seafood And Mercury Contamination – A Deep Dive
The many health benefits of seafood are tempered by the fact that ocean pollution has huge implications on the food we consume. Which fish contain the most mercury? How much seafood is safe to eat in a week? In this article we will tackle these questions and more.
What Are Tea Tannins And Where Do They Come From?
In it’s various forms, Tea is the second most popular drInk in the world. In this article, we take a closer look at the origin of our tea, what Tannins are, and how they affect us.
The Migrating Motor Complex (MMC) And Its Importance
The Migrating Motor Complex (MMC) is a pattern of downward propuslive movements that helps to push food matter through the digestive system. How does it work, and why is it important?
8 Shrubs With Nutritious Edible Leaves
Shrubs that you can eat? If you have ever wondered which shrubs have edible leaves, explore with us a few examples.
How Tea And Coffee Can Reduce Mercury Absorption From Fish
When eating seafood, a cup of tea or coffee may be the perfect choice, as both these drinks can reduce mercury absorption from fish and seafood meals.
The 15 Best Vitamin D Food Sources
Vitamin D is synthesised when our skin is exposed to sunlight, but do we also need vitamin D from our diet too? Food sources rich in vitamin D may provide an essential tool in battling deficiency.
Can Omega 3s Cause Nosebleeds?
Why do I get nose bleeds when I take Omega 3? Omega-3 supplementation can lead to more frequent nose bleeds in some people. Why would this be? Let’s take a look at the reasons behind this mysterious phenomenon.
Sesbania grandiflora (Agathi) – Nutrition & Medicinal Values
Sesbania grandiflora, also known as Agathi and the Hummingbird Tree is a one-stop-shop for multiple food sources. In this article, we will look at the nutritional value and medicinal properties of this amazing tree.
Does Tea Reduce Iron Absorption?
Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and is often consumed alongside breakfast or lunches. Do the tannins in tea interfere with iron absorption when drank alonside a meal?
What Are Juice Concentrates? – Health Information And Uses
Juice concentrates are increasingly common in the modern world, but what are they, and how are they made?
Should You Supplement With Vitamin D In The Winter?
Vitamin D is produced naturally when our skin is exposed to sunlight. If vitamin D levels decrease during the Winter, could supplementation offer a way to keep our vitamin D levels optimal?
Could Bananas Boost Your Health? 3 Key Benefits
Are bananas good for you? Research has shown you’d be bananas not to have some. In this article, we’ll look at a bunch of ways bananas can help support our health and vitality.